SBSTTA-24 – Mayer, P.; Neumann, D.; Carson, S.; Ellwood, E.R. (2020) Submission from the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to Notification 2020-045: Public peer review of draft documents for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24), August 2020. [contributions to the preparation of the submission]
SBSTTA-24 – Buschbom, J. (2020) Submission from Statistical Genetics to Notification 2020-045: Public peer review of draft documents for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24), August 2020. [for details see here]
SBSTTA-24 – Mayer, P.; Buschbom, J.; Ellwood, E.R.; Neumann, D. (2021) Submission from the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to the review of the draft information document “Detailed Scientific and Technical Information Related to the Proposed Goals and Targets in the updated zero draft of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (CBD/SBSTTA/24/INF/21)” as part of the public peer review of draft documents for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24), April 2021.
SBSTTA-24 – Mayer, P.; Buschbom, J.; Ellwood, E.R.; Neumann, D. (2021) Submission from the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to Notification 2021-033: Survey on Headline Indicators for consideration in the Co-Chairs’ summary of the work of the contact group established on item 3 during SBSTTA-24, May 2021.
COP-14: Policy options and criteria framework for Digital Sequence Information (DSI) on Genetic Resources (GR): Contributions to the online discussion initiated by the Secretariat of the CBD in April/May 2021. [Background information can be found on the website of the associated webinar series]
SBI-3 – Mayer, P.; Buschbom, J.; Ellwood, E.R.; Neumann, D. (2022) Submission from the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to Notification 2022-018: “Commitments from actors other than national governments in the context of an enhanced planning, monitoring, review and reporting mechanism – Core reporting elements for actors other than national governments (CBD/SBI/3/11/Add.6) (ANNEX B)”, May 2022.
COP-15 – Carter, J.; Buschbom, J.; Neumann, D. (2023) Submission from the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to Notification 2023-003: Call for views on the issues set out in the annex to decision 15/9 for consideration by the Ad hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Benefit-Sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources, March 2023.